Friday, 2 February 2018

Friday Motivation.....setting up an online EMPIRE 2018

Hello,welcome to another friday of motivation and inspiration

Today,we'll be talking about how to set up a lucrative business online,I'll be breaking it into bits and parts,so I'll be in depth,and give as many details as i possibly can...

Many novice,newbies thinks money online is as easily as putting on your laptop,ipad,phones,connecting to the internet,and bam,money starts trickling in...this is so far away from the truth,as they soon come to realise and abandon their online career as soon as they get started...

I'll briefly highlight some needed stuffs you need to take note of before setting up an online business

1.RESEARCHING: yes you got it,there are a lot  online that if you don't know what you're looking for,you'll make a lot of mistakes,that'll ruin you and your online career, we have a lot of online money making ventures that are legit ,eg youtube channels, blogging,CPA, affiliate marketing,fiverr,crypto currencies like bitcoin and a host of others,you should surf online and grab a lot of information because it'll be useful at the long run,research blogs,sites, related to your choice of online business

2.PATIENCE : never be hasty to invest into any pop up you see online,always read,research about anything you want to invest in,many people will invest before they ask questions, this is a bad habit as a newbie,never ever invest until you've seen what the venture entails,it's spare you a lot of heart aches and money loss

3.MENTOR: just as it's hard for a student to succeed without a teacher,you can hardly succeed online,without a successful mentor in the niche you're going into,you must realise you can go at it alone,you must rely on someone that is wiser and experienced, take your time to look for a mentor to guide you

4.WORK WORK.. Many of us relent before even trying ,we give up,before results starts to flow in,they just fold and pack up and say...well,i guess making money online is not for me"...well,you're wrong every online netpreneur started where you are,clueless, uninformed, until they started,they know nothing ,so just keep working at it,you'll get there

5.NEVER GIVE UP..yes,that's it,no matter what happens,please don't give up,you'll fail trust me,but pick it up and work it,trust me,its worth it,it's worth the sweat and investment, never forsake what you can achieve ...

This applies to other of your aspirations,never ever be deterred by unfavourable circumstances, always believe it'll help you in the long run in achieving your goals and goals...

You can do it,so don't stop until it's a done deal...!!!!     

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