Sunday, 15 July 2018

What shelterDAO is all about..

What Is ShelterDAO?

ShelterDAO is a project based on NEM blockchain technology that seeks to create and maintain cashless crypto hub communities around the world.
The project also aims at empowering the pioneers who are the platform’s users to travel and connect with other pioneers worldwide by making it easy and secure to choose a travel destination.
This will enable pioneers to interact and network with like minded people from around the globe.

Shel Mosaic Tokens(shel) are utility tokens used to book dwellings on the shelterDAO platform, they are also exchangeable for goods and services at future shelterDAO communities.

Coin information..
Shel have a fixed supply cap of 190,476,190.

START:JUNE 1ST, 2018, FRIDAY, 23:59 PM
STAGE 1:0.00002879 BTC = 1 SHEL (06/01/18 to 07/15/18)
STAGE 2:0.00003239 BTC = 1 SHEL (07/16/18 to 08/15/18)
STAGE 3:0.00003599 BTC=1 SHEL (8/16/18 to 8/31/18

Distribution Of Funds
75% – Land Development
13% – Reserves
9% – Founders and Team
2% – Advisors
1% – Advertising and Media

Parameters Of The ICO
Token protocol: Mosaic
Mosaic token symbol: SHEL
Soft cap: 20,000,000 xem
Hard cap: 133,333,333
Sale start date: June 1st, 2018


ShelterDAO will create crypto hubs around the world that will implement cryptocurrencies.This will improve the adoption of cryptocurrencies in daily life transactions and dealings

NETWORKING the SMT is proposed to connect SMT holders all accross the globe,irrespective of locations and time zones..

Registered members of this great project,can use the platform to book shelter dwellings using the ShelterDAO’s utility token,Shel Mosaic Token (SMT).
Users who do not own the SMT tokens can also make bookings using the XEM cryptocurrency at current market rates.

Furthermore,the SMT tokens can also be used at ShelterDAO locations to access food, entertainment, lodging and any services offered by the shelterDAO community.
The tokens have an endless life therefore are indestructible,simply because it relates to our everyday needs,like bookings,food entertainment and so on.

Also,theey are tradable for XEM at cryptocurrency exchange platforms such as Shapeshif or Changelly..

Furthermore,in the wake of a global community where fiat is being relegated to the background,the shelterDAO community is integrated with the ShelterDAO wallet app that will enable the purchase of merchant products and services using cryptocurrencies that will result in a full cryptocurrency and cashless travel experience.

Use of ecofriendly 3D printers to create the crypto communities

Fast and secure transaction as anyone can send and receive shel,xem and nem mosaics to their mobile,within seconds all over,anywhere in the world.

The benefits of this project are enormous,you can go get more information from the source by going to the SHELTERDAO WEBSITE..

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