Saturday, 17 February 2018

Free Traffic To Your Site [Tips,Tricks to Note]

Traffic is the bloodline,lifeline of any online doesn't matter what you sell,do online,you need web traffic..

The means and ways on how to get traffic on website is overwhelming sometimes.

Getting site traffic is as easy and practicable without using paid ads...

By paid ads traffic source,i mean traffic gotten from

•Bing ads
•Facebook ads
• Solo ads

 Any traffic you get in exchange for money is called paid ads...

 Today,I'll teach you a few tricks of getting free website traffic,with determination,dedication..doesn't matter if you're in
•Affiliate marketing
•Digital marketing

Call it anything you want ,you need to get free traffic to your products,links,urls to boost your earnings and revenue..

 I'll highlight some ways on how to get traffic to your website.

Some of them are :

 1•.Site Traffic using facebook:- Yes the almighty facebook,our old brother called facebook before they started running ads.
I always tell people the online audience falls into two categories:

 The buyer and seller 
The giver and takers

 There's nothing,no niche you run your business on,that you won't find potential interested customers on facebook,its totally impossible..

√√Steps on how to use facebook to genetate free traffic and leads 
 ••Get a facebook account for business purpose only..please note,do not use your regular account for this.

••Create a profile description that matches what you sell,the services you render

••create a facebook page about your business,brand,site...make sure you use the right compelling descriptions.

••Go to facebook groups related to what your offer,we have hundreds of niche related groups,from health to fashion,blogging,cpa,dating,just name it,you'll see it on facebook.

••Start updating your page with relevant contents,link your url to your page,interaction in the groups is important to rack in interested people...

NOTE PLEASE:- Do not spam the groups with your url links,contribute to posts in there before sharing your own link with your offers.

2•How to get more website traffic using Twitter: I heard traffic on twitter is dead?

As  long as people use a platform,it's very much alive and kicking In search intent everyone online is looking for something trust me we all are,nobody comes online to waste time,even those looking for casual dating online are potential leads to dating offers.

√Get a twitter account,solely for your business,don't complicate things using a personal account.

√Update your profile,use # or hashtags to itemise your interests and offers.

√Search your niche,if its fashion,we have a lot of accounts with hundreds of thousands of followers ,follow as many as you can daily.

√Follow these twitter celebrities followers who are active on the twitter page,because some are bot fake.

√Update your account always,regularly about what you offer.

√ to hashtags related to your niche and the most popular accounts,click on users,add them ,tweet toTweet to them using hashtag.
The traffic is endless.

3•How to get more traffic to your site through pinterest..

 I know the pinterest platform looks overwhelming to a beginner or online newbie.. But pinterest drives a huge traffic,genuine web traffic,real free traffic to my site daily.

The potential website traffic that can be gotten on pinterest is enormous..

 Here goes :-

∆.Get a pinterest account,of course business one.

∆.here its not post or tweets its boards or pins lol.

∆.Import contents from your websites and pin it or create a pin with pictures and links related to your offers,niche.

∆.Create a profile that works well with your niche,no hassle,no dulling or stalling.

∆.Update it regularly with board and pin posts.

∆.Search related ,popular profiles with many followers,pin their posts and follow them,also follow their followers.

 Thats that about pinterest.

 4•Get free traffic from Forums:- Yes forums..its sheer ignorance if you don't use paid traffic and yet you don't belong to many forums related to your niche and offers.

Forums helps to boost your traffic and you learn using forums too.

Forums like warriorforum.

Helps alot to submit web 2.0,hereby placing your site's URL in front of millions of audience.

Never go to a forum and start blasting links up and down,you'll get banned for spamming.

Steps to using forums related to your niche to get traffic to your website free are:-

Go to google and type forum+your niche,forum+blogging.

You'll get hundreds of forums to join.. Join as many as you can,using roboform or other form fillers.

Use them daily to introduce yourself to people in there,comment on posts,give opinions and have at least 15 posts counts on each forums that's helpful,educative and useful to the discusions.

 After 1-2 weeks,you can start talking about your site,your businesses etc,they won't see you as an impostor who is just there to post links,they'll listen and click on you links.

5•Blog comments in getting free traffic:- As we've been discussing since,we needed targeted traffic,readers who are interested in our offers,not just random visits to get website traffic,but to engage our readers in what we offer.

To get quality web traffic from blogs related to your niche:

•Search on google and list,bookmark as many as you can daily
•Visit them as often as you can daily
• Always make comments, don't spam,contribute to stuffs discussed and drop your link at the end of the post.
•Drop links in as many as 10-20 blogs related to your niche daily,its as simple as that to get traffic to your website for free.

How to drive traffic to your website is so important because without traffic,your online business won't thrive.

6•How to get traffic to your website using Reddit. As complicated as it looks,reddit is a social interaction platform where a lot of topics are discussed daily.

Posts in reddits are grouped according to it's relation to a particular subreddit and users can either up vote or down vote your post.

Make sure you don't get negative karma's on your posts.

It's good to not spam with links it's prohibited.

Write interesting topics,search for topics related to your niche and post in a subreddit.

Look at the format people are using to do this,look at other people's posts,and pattern after them.

 •Create an account on reddit
•Search for niche related subreddits
 •Comment relevant points on other people's subreddit.
•Make a post with your own subreddit,related to what you do.
•Use link shortener to shorten your website link.
•Dont make it look as if you are trying to promote a business.
•Be natural with posts,look neutral,don't look like an hungry marketer hungry for traffic.

Wait and See,with all this steps,you can get up to 2-5k organic clicks to your site,offers daily,the more,the merrier.

Don't force it,just work at it!!!

√Take a positive action,to get the desired result√

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