Friday, 17 November 2017

The rise of the cryptocurrency called Bitcoin

Money like we all know is the commodity you can use, to transact business, whether you're buying a land, a house, a dog, a car, you need these commodity for successful transactions...

There have been the rise of various forms of money since the world began, trade by barter, cowries, precious stones, coins, paper money, fiat currencies and now crypto currency

A crypto currency is a digital money, created using sets of block technology, to determine the amount to be created per hash rate, mined, transferred through what we call a Wallet..

Bitcoin is the pioneer of all digital currencies, it started at 0.02 cents per coin, as the official price and since the inception, it has reached it's highs and lows, currently over $7000 per bitcoin, and looking at the $8000 per coin threshold soon

To participate in this wonderful currency, all you need do is to get a wallet address at either:
And a host of othe bitcoin wallets, worldwide..

Then you need to fund the wallet using either
And a host of other legal funding platforms, they also serve ad exchange sites too... The best time to purchase this coin is at it's low, always watch it, study it, and when it falls in price, go for it, because after a dip in price, it usually takes a huge rise again...

We are in the digital world, crypto currency is the future money, why not invest in bitcoin today?  I have a genuine binary options site where you can trade your money, and bitcoins this platform helps you to gain your bitcoins in reasonable time, just click HERE, to join this amazing Uk investment company!!!!

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