Friday, 17 November 2017

Friday inspiration

There's a saying, that Rome wasn't built in a day, and I'll say if it's built in a day, then it isn't Rome... There's nothing as daunting as setting out into something you're not familiar with. It's like parking your stuffs and leaving for a place you know nothing about, naturally, we're humans, and the fear of failure stares us in the face, when we try to do something new

Have been asked many times, are you really making money online?, see we're in the global age, internet, jet age, everybody is either buying or selling something online.

I'm of the opinion that, two major people lives on the world wide web, the buyer and seller, the finder and the giver... Listen there's nothing we do online or offline, that doesn't require passion, patience, persistence and perseverance.

There's millions on and offline, yet a lot of people remains poor, why?, they can imagine leaving their comfort zone, they can't imagine trying something new, they can't imagine failing, the first, second, third time... They always want instant results

My advice today is hang in there, don't let go, it's a dream, pursue it, be positive, be brave, be true to yourself, don't pursue unrealistic goals, but pursue and build up yourself daily, the sky is going to be your starting point, just believe....

Poshia pearls

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