Thursday, 14 December 2017


ho ho ho ho ho
merry Christmas 

today is Friday motivation, and if you're a follower of this blog, you'd  notice, besides making legit money, we're here to get eyes opening ideas, lessons about how we relate with people around us. 

it's true, money makes the world go round, it's also true lack of it isn't the best for any individual. 

sometimes too much of it, can make us loose ourself in it's power, and allows it to control how we think, react, relate and interact with people.. so besides teaching you how to get some free things this Christmas season, I'll highlight some things you need to do, that involves spending little money, or none at all to make your loved ones happy this festive period

1.Show them not saying the only time to show love is now, but am saying, if you've not been doing it, you can start right away, see, many of us thinks our loved ones only cares about what money can give them, or buy for them, thats partly correct, but it's not always so... it's alarming the rate at which we neglect those we care about, just because we're too busy, making money... 

2.Time:time spent with loved ones cannot be compared with the money you gave to them, this festive, Christmas season, can be used to share more time with them, showing they mean more than the world to you

3.Help the helpless::we have a lot of people, all over with nobody to help them, show them love or give them gifts, this is the period, in time, where you can really start to give sacrificially, remember, you're better than others, but you can help those youre better than, get a new life, by reaching out to them... 

4.Take time to rest:all work but no play, makes Jack a dull boy, hey!!!, you've been working for so long, it's the spirit of the season, try to flow with it, relax, enjoy with those you love, don't neglect them, don't let them feel lonely, even when you're around... they must feel you're with them, than you trying to be busy at all times, relax, even bill gates never amassed his wealth, working like a clock hand.... lol

5.lets go SHOPPING:shop, ,shop, shop till you drop, with your loved ones, am not saying you should spend a years salary, this festive period alone, am saying we should all be generous to those we love, by making them gave a memorable Christmas experience... 

I guess this are the inspiration for today, and i hope
we work towards having the best we can this period and beyond... 

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